New plan announced to improve Indiana’s broadband in rural areas


 State officials have a new plan aimed at improving broadband access in rural Indiana.

 The effort was announced Wednesday by the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs. It’s part of a broader document called the Strategic Plan for Rural Indiana .

WAMW talked recently with Greg Jones of Southern Indiana Development Commission, a regional planning commission about the rural broadband problem.  Jones says the federal standard for internet speed is 25 megabites per second upload and 3 per download…



The broadband component calls for state and local governments to partner with private business to minimize obstacles to extending service to rural areas.   Officials will also offer planning grants to local communities, which are intended to identify their needs.


 Lastly, state officials are calling for a statewide broadband summit to be held. The goal is to educate local officials by hosting a daylong seminar with experts and other key players.

 Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch said about 40 percent of the state’s population lives across 76 rural counties.

Hear all of Jones’ comments on the May 19 edition of   Focus on the Community…