Raises for city employees to be considered


        Washington Mayor Joe Wellman has proposed a 55 cent an hour raise for most city employees for next year.

        The Washington Times Herald says Wellman wondered by a number 2 person in different city departments make different amounts.  He said he wants to remedy that.  The raise will be submitted to the city Council on August 14th.

        Also according to the story about Monday’s budget workshop, the city learned that fixed costs for employee insurance are up by 6 percent and claims are up 3 percent.

        The city’s insurance is through Thompson Insurance and agent Marilyn McCoullough says she’s concerned. The city has absorbed all increases.  She says the account that has been set up to pay for claims is starting to decrease she reported.  She said the employee premium may have to be increased.  The last time that happened was September 2013.  She also suggested a more robust wellness plan and setting up health savings accounts to deter claims and costs.