Rubber Horseshoe idea lacks enthusiasm





WAMW reported earlier this week that the Daviess County Commissioners had agreed to buy five sets of rubber horseshoes as an experiment.  Officials are looking for ways to deter road damage caused by traditional horseshoe in the county’s Amish traffic areas.

Daviess County Highway Supervisor Phil Cornelius says the idea did not get a ringing endorsement from the Amish Community at an annual safety meeting this week.  He told the Washington Times Herald that the response to the idea felt vague and some felt only two sets would be needed and not five.

The shoes are on order and will be here in August.

One other alternative the paper quoted county officials mentioning is raising the cost of buggy licenses.  Last year the license fees raised $122,000 but that’s not enough to cover the cost of repairing roads damaged by horse traffic.