Washington City Council

In city meetings on Monday…..the Washington City Council  passed second reading of an ordinance approving a re-plat of the Alliance Commercial Subdivision on the City’s east side.


The Council also introduced an ordinance which would limit the time a variance or conditional use approved by the Zoning Board would remain in effect if the applicant did not act upon the variance.   Building Commissioner Terry Wininger told the Council he had discovered on variance approved in the mid-1970s that had not been acted upon.  Board of Zoning Appeals Chairman Don Spillman told the Councilmen that the the Board thought the limitation was necessary to protect unsuspecting neighbors, or potential property purchasers from “hidden” variances on neighboring properties.  Spillman also said the ordinance would standardize the variance process for the city

Also, the Board of Public Works and Safety voted to purchase a new 8.5 cubic yard vacuum street sweeper.